Posted by: motivat0r | May 12, 2008



  1. too far maybe…..

  2. yeah just a little.. but kinda funny right?
    like in a wow im an asshole way

  3. Not funny, just cruel…

  4. Thats not funny at all, thats is just disgusting and fckn disrespectfull. Here you are scoffing your face with food making cruel jokes about these kids starving of hunger, that are dying from malurishment. Geez, have a bit if compassion mate.

  5. “scoffing your face with food making cruel jokes about these kids starving of hunger”

    For a second there I thought they were staving of thirst…

  6. nice one white wolf

  7. Wtf is “Malurishment” some kind of reparation fund? Lol!
    Nice picture, very funny! 🙂

  8. Reblogged this on cj303addict.

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